Happy Birthday Becky, Emma and Patrick

Today, 8 years ago I gave birth to three awesome kids. You would never know they entered the world 10 weeks early weighing in right around 3 pounds each.

Here they are today!





And last but not least — Patrick!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girls and guy! The world is much brighter and better place since you are in it!

Pics and more pics!

My oldest has been messing around with the camera so I thought I would post some of her latest creations.

Last Friday Liz went to a friends Sweet Sixteen Party. It was a formal one so we had to find a gown for her. This is what my princess looked liked heading out the door.


Three little monkeys climbing on the couch….

Abby & Marian

Marian the monkey

Abby the silly

My climbers

My 14 year old just was able to get a cell phone. I have created a texting monster…. (Thank goodness for unlimited texting!)


My first born son, goof that he is….


My oldest thinking she is so cool (or a Charlie’s Angel).

She thinks she is cook

It’s an Ice Day today.

So the children are off from school once again. This makes I think 3 days in the past two weeks for snow (rather ice) days. Now I don’t mind having the children home, having them home unplanned just throws everything out of whack. Not much will be happening today since the roads are icy.

The children are doing some chores, cleaning rooms, bathrooms, etc to keep them from annoying each other. Which is the worst of it I guess. After everything is done we will throw in a movie and pop some popcorn and maybe play some games.

If the weather breaks, my oldest has a volleyball tournament. Thankfully one day and thankfully relatively local so it won’t be too bad. 🙂

Sunday Becky, Emma and Patick turn 8! We will be having a party for them with family only.

Fast moving week!

Boy the past week has been fast moving. The girls had their surgery last Tuesday and then spent the next couple of days being grumpy. Richard worked on Thursday. Friday was spent running around getting everything caught up that wasn’t done during the week. Saturday was spent in Washington DC at a volleyball tournament. Sunday afternoon was basket bingo at the church. So now we are back at Monday. WHEWW!!!! That was one week I don’t really remember. (Probably a good thing with the cranky babies….)

Today the children have off from school, but Richard is working. Not much is going to happen. All I have to do is pick up my oldest from another team member’s house after the tournament is over sometime this afternoon.

Menu for the rest of the week

Chicken Alfredo, Noodles and Salad

DH and I are going out
Chicken Nuggets, Mac and Cheese, Applesause

Meatloaf, Broccoli, Rice

Spaghetti, Meatballs, Salas

Codfish Balls, French Fries, Green Beans

Pork Chops, Noodles, Salad

Sunday — Happy 8th Birthday Becky, Emma and Patrick
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Cole Slaw, Chips
Birthday Cake

Household Plan for the week

Monday — Survive the day. 🙂
Tuesday — Clean downstairs; Knights of Columbus meeting PM
Wednesday — Scrub bathrooms, vacuum upstairs
Thursday — Shop for birthday party
Friday — Richard works, Last minute cleaning
Saturday — Final cleaning for party,
Sunday — PARTY! 🙂

Back on track and been tubing!

Well I have been on a roll the past couple of days! The “outsides” in the rooms are looking good. The babies are making it difficult to accomplish much lately unless they are napping. I have gone from 2 climbers to 3 now. So unless I am in the room with them, they are running back and forth on the couch or standing up in the rocking chair. I figure the rocking chair will be leaving the room soon. We can’t take the couch out unless we want everyone to sit on the floor. Right now I am working on training them to get off of it when I say so. So far 2 out of 3 are doing it. Marian just figured out how to climb, so it is still a novelity for her. Only two things left I really need to do are vacuum the downstairs and scrub the kitchen floor. Tomorrow during nap I will vacuum the downstairs. The kitchen floor will probably wait a day or so since we have had a bunch of ice today so everything will be wet and muddy tomorrow.

The big news in the house is that the girls had their surgery today. All three had their tubes put in and Abby had her adenoids out too. They came through the surgery great. They started at 8:00 AM and went one after the other. We were home by 11:00AM. Drive through surgery. But that is a topic for another day.

The dwarfs Cranky, Crabby and Grumpy decided to visit and take up residence in Abby, Maggie and Marian for the rest of the day. Can’t say I blame them. Basically they wanted mommy and daddy snuggles all day, so Richard and I provided them. Liz and Mandy helped out too when somebody didn’t want to share a lap. Thank goodness for the older sisters! They were a great help all around today.

I am not planning on doing much tomorrow since we are in the middle of an ice storm tonight and I figure the babies will be up and down all night.

Getting back on track…

It has been a week or so since I posted. Crazy one at that. I was substitute teaching a bunch last week. My oldest had 3 volleyball practices since they have a tournament next weekend in Washington DC. Plus we had the pre-op appointment for the babies. We received their surgery time — 7AM. This particular doctor does the youngest first, so my 3 are the first patients of the day. I think that is great. We can get done and get home fairly early.

Besides the surgery on Tuesday, on Monday my DD14 and DH are going to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC for an 8th grade field trip. Then my oldest has the volleyball tournament in DC. So it will another crazy week, or should I say normal week for our family.

There are a few things I need to get under control once again. The first thing is menu planning. That has fallen by the wayside the past few months and my budget is noticing it, so here is my dinner menu for this upcoming week. Breakfasts are quick affairs like cereal or muffins during the school week. My older DDs pack their lunches, the middle 4 buy at school. DH and I either have left overs or sandwiches for lunch. The babies are still eating baby food, but are slowly moving to table foods.

Sunday, February 10
Chicken Parmesean, Spaghetti, Salad, Fudge Pie

Monday, February 11
Leftovers (with late arriving field trip, faith formation and volleyball practice I am not even going to try to fix something….)

Tuesday, February 12
Crockpot Meal: Pork Roast, Potatoes, Broccoli

Wedneday, February 13
Crockpot Meal: Chili, Corn bread, salad

Thursday, February 14 (DH Works)
Sandwiches & Soup, Apple Slices

Friday, February 15
Fish Sticks, Macaroni and Cheese, Apple Sauce

Saturday, February 16
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Fruit (DH responsible, I will be in DC at tournament)

So the menu is done for the week, the food is in the pantry or freezer so I am good to go for the week.