PrepWise Wednesday — Personal Care Stocking

When you want to start stocking things and start to think about everything, you may get overwhelmed. You start to think: I need to stock up on food, water, soaps, medicines, cleaning supplies, and so many other things. So may start to think why bother, I just can’t do it. I am telling you NEED to have a basic stock of at least a month, preferably three to six, maybe even a year. In the case of a natural disaster supply lines of food, water, and energy can be disrupted or even stopped for weeks or months while the infrastructure is repaired.

The most important rule when stocking is to stock what you use and use what you stock. If you know you can’t stand beans, then don’t stock them because you won’t use them. They will go bad and you waste money. Then you will think having these emergency preparations is a waste of time and money.

A second rule is not buying everything at once. If you spread the purchases out over a few months, they will not expire at the same time.

An easy place to start is with personal care items like soaps, shampoos, and lotions. Make a list of what you use. Then determine how much you use in a month. Next you decide how many months supply you want to have on your shelf. Stocking can be done very cheaply or even for free if you coupon, use sales and store bonus cards. If you are not brand loyal or have special requirements, then it is very easy to do cheaply.

In most things I am not brand loyal, however, I have a family that has extremely sensitive skin. The children are all very prone to eczema. Any type of scent or harsh chemical causes flare ups that can take weeks to get back under control. To help with this, we can only use Dove Sensitive Skin Soap. Knowing this I am always looking for Dove coupons and sales. I purchase at the lowest price I can to keep my supply up to my goal amount of 36 bars on the shelf. (Eleven people using about 3 bars of soap a month for a 12 month supply).

For things like shampoos, figure out how many ounces of shampoo you use a month. In my family, Richard uses dandruff shampoo. His bottle lasts about 2 months. So we need to have 6 bottles on the shelf for a year. The bigger girls use a bottle a month between them. So we need 12 bottles for the year. We use much less conditioner with the girls so we only need 6 bottles for the year. The boys use a larger bottle every two months, so again we need 6 bottles. The little girls use a tear free conditioning shampoo, which only comes is smaller bottles. So we need to have about 20 of them for a year. (Once they turn 10 they will switch to the older girls shampoo so the numbers will change).

Then I make plan to spread out the purchases over the year so everything will have different experiration dates.  You need to remember to “rotate” the stock so the older products are used first.

I use the same principles to figure out how much I need for the other personal care items we use. My personal care items include:

Lotions for dry skin
Lip balms like Chapstick or Carmex
Facial Cleansing Products
Shaving Cream
Anti Chafing Ointments/Creams
Baby Powder
Sunburn treatments
Feminine Products
Diapers (when they were needed)

Take this week and put together your personal care list. Then use my examples and figure out how many you need to have on hand to survive for three months.

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday: Stocking the Medicine Cabine

When you think about stocking up, you should also consider adding over the counter medicines to your preps. Think about what type of illnesses you and your family has over the course of year and then plan accordingly.

In my family alone we have had the following in the past year: headaches, muscle soreness, sprains, stains, menstrual cramps, tummy issues, allergies, yeast infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, colds and flu. Most of these can be treated relatively inexpensively with over the counter medications.

Here is what I have in my over the counter medication preps. You should look them over and considering adding them to your preps too.

Ibuprofen — I pick up the 750 caplet bottle at the local warehouse club for about $10.00. That is 7.5 cents a capsule. And you can take prescription strength dosing by using 3 or 4 caplets. You can also watch for sales and coupons and get these inexpensively.

Acetaminophen — Again I pick up the 500 extra strength tablet bottle at the warehouse club for about $7.00. Again right around 7 cents a pill.

Aspirin — 81 mg dose. Daily dose for those with heart issues or a family history of the them. Once again a warehouse club pick up. Large bottles for little cost.

Aspirin — 325 mg pills. Good to have on hand for those aches and pains that the Motrin and Tylenol aren’t kicking alone. Also wonder to have on hand if you think someone is having a heart attack. Have them chew an aspirin to help block the clotting factors as you get them to the hospital.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) — A wonderful antihistamine. Good for block allergic reactions and nasal allergies. It can be uses in a pinch as a sleep aid, if it makes you sleepy.

Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) — Get the good stuff behind the counter. It helps to relieve the congestion in both the head and chest. I have everyone over the age of 18 grab the largest box possible about every 2 months.

Plain Robutussin — Good to help with check congestion and coughs.

Loperamide (Imodium) — Best over the counter medicine for diarrhea. I get liquid and tablets.

Meclizine (Dramamine) — Anti-nausea medicine. Helps relieve nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, and vertigo-like dizziness.

Calcium Carbonate (Tums) — Anti-acid and calcium supplement. Helps relieve temporary heartburn.

Mylanta — Liquid anti-acid/anti-gas to help with tummy issues.

Rantidine (Zantac) – another anti-acid, relatively inexpensive and can help with hives and migraines too. Liz’s over the counter migraine “cocktail” is a zantac, a benedryll and 600 mg of Advil.

Hydrocortisone Cream – the 1% version is the strongest OTC available. Good for adults and children with rashes, eczema, poison ivy, and diaper rash.

Bacitracin Ointment — good topical antibiotic ointment for skin broken by bumps, scratches, bug bites.

Clotrimazole (Gyne-Lotrimin) — Same anti-fungal medication as in lotrimin. This medicine can be used to treat female yeast infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, ring worm and yeasty diaper rashes.

Zinc Oxide (Desitin) — excellent protection for skin irritations, a heavy duty sunscreen if necessary.

Having a good supply of these medications will allow you to mix and match to treat a wide variety of ailments in an emergency.

Like mentioned above, you can have an effective migraine cocktail. You can mix sudafed, Robitussin, a pain killer and benedryll and have a cold medication. You can mix the mylanta, hydro-cortisone, gyne-lotrimin and the zinc oxide and have an effective diaper cream for bad diaper rashes.

In addition to these OTC medications, having a good basic knowledge in herbal medications would be a help also.

So think about your family and what you would need to survive during a time of emergency if some one became ill with a minor illness. Then make a plan to build up your stores of those medications throughout the year. You do not want to purchase them all at once, you want to spread the acquisition of them throughout the year so they do not all expire at the same time.

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday Challenge

It you all have been following my blog for a while, you know I like to keep a large pantry and storage of daily use products. Since we have a large family, I prefer to shop out of my pantry for the week and restock when items go on that once every two month sale.

Over the past 20 months or so, the pantry took a major hit. I praise God that I had the provisions in the house to help us get through the leaner and more turbulent times. Now that things have settled down, it is time to rebuild the pantry and other provisions.

The first thing I am going to do is take a physical inventory of the items I have in the house right now. Then I am going compare what I have on hand with what I need to get the stores back up to at least a three month level. Then I will make my plan for restocking.

After I complete my plan, I need to have my husband build better storage shelves for the food items. The ones I have now are plastic shelves and they are showing signs of age. One even collapsed a month or so ago. Thankfully there were no glass jars on it so nothing was lost. I want to avoid having that happen in the future.

For the next week I am going to work on my inventory, research plans for shelves and start a plan for restocking.

For this week I encourage you to start your prepping plan. Post here with your prepping plans.

Pax Christi,

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday

This weekend was a major shopping weekend. I visited 5 stores and spent an obscene amount of money. (Well not really, but more than I usually spend at one time). I was restocking the pantry. With everything going on this summer I wasn’t shopping the sales and we were eating out of the family’s pantry. In a way I am glad we did this since some the items had been around a while and it cleared the shelves.

I was very thankful we had those supplies in the house. It freed me from having to worry about shopping in the midst of all the chaos. With the food was in the house, Richard or Mandy were be able to figure a meal if I wasn’t around.

Now I am restocking those pantries and freezers. My main goal is have three months worth of food in the house by November. Why November you ask? I am remembering this last winter:


Last year we started with the record breaking amount of snows in mid November. Having food in the house took away a worry. I knew we would be able to eat. We made sure we had the propane for the gas tanks full so we could have hot meals even if the power went out.

Richard and I are now talking about getting a generator. This would be used to run the pellet stove for heat. Of course that would mean having to store gas or diesel fuel so that we could run the generator, so we are looking for a safe place to store the fuel too. Not to mention finding a place to run the generator to the exhaust does not come into the house, while at the same time make sure it would not get stolen.

What are you all doing to get ready for the upcoming winter?

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday — November 4th


It has been a while since I have talked about preparing. Winter is coming so now is the time to start thinking about cold weather preps.

Do you have an alternative heating source if you lose power? How about enough warm clothes (think layers) and blankets for everyone in the family? Do you have have a plan for the family to survive for a couple of days if you are snow or ice bound? Now is the time to check your supplies and make sure you have them in the house. That way you don’t have to make that mad dash to the store for toilet paper and milk along with everyone else in the area when that dreaded four letter word – SNOW – enters the forecast.

If you travel a lot you need to think about your cars too. Do you have an emergency kit in there? If so, make sure you add things like extra blankets and maybe hand and foot warmers. You may want to add some additional food items, think about some self heating MREs, that way you can have something warm if you are stuck in the middle of no where. Don’t forget to add kitty litter (non-clumping) and a small shovel to help dig out if you get stuck in the snow and ice. Oh and you may want to add some de-icer in case your locks get frozen.

So start your winter preps now and beat the rush.

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday — Figuring out what you need


You have now decided you want to start “prepping” and building a supply of food and medicines and you not sure how to figure out what the heck you need for your family. There are several websites out there to help you.

One that I can recommend is Millennium Ark. This website is definitely for the hardcore prepper that is out to prepare for the end of the world. They have one tool that I love. It is this spreadsheet to help you figure how much of what items you need to store. It has a section that you fill out for the number of people that live in your house and for how many weeks you want to prepare for. It runs in Excel (or you can download OpenOffice which is a shareware program that lets you run Microsoft Office programs).

There is a one year supply list here. It has a one year supply for one adult. It includes costs. The rest of the site is once again a hard core prep site so you are warned. 🙂

Over at Cooking Traditional Foods there is a section on Food Storage for those with food sensitives and allergies. KerryAnn also has a spreadsheet similar to the one at Millenium Ark to help you with your food storage needs.

Another great resource for getting started is the Simply Living Smart website. They have wonderful resources.

The most important thing to remember is to store what you eat, and eat what you store. That way the food is used and rotated, and nothing is wasted.

Come on join us at PrepWise to learn more.

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday — Sustainable and Self Sufficient


This week I want to talk about being self sufficient. Now that you are thinking about Prepping and getting your family prepared for an emergency. The next step you have to think about is how are you going to sustain you and your family once your stores run out?

I know it is late in the season, but you need to start thinking about it for next year. How would you grow food so that you could continue to live if the world as we know it ended or if you just needed to be able to drastically cut your outgoing money because of illnesses or job loss?

I would recommend a couple of books to get you started thinking about growing food. The first is the classic Square Foot Gardening. The next one I would read would be Lasagna Gardening. Both of these books let you start to garden without a lot of effort and will provide quite a bit of produce for the family.

Once you have read those and decided that you need them on your bookshelf, then you would want to progress to growing other forms of food like chickens. Another book that recently read and then decided I needed on my shelf was the Backyard Homestead. A lot of great information on how to grow vegetables, fruits and some animals. It even gives you layouts for various size land plots. Plus it gives you recipes and some basic instructions for canning fruits and vegetables. It also gives you recipes for making cheese and suggestions for raising dairy animals like goats or small cows.

Another book is Five Acres and Independence. It gives you information for a larger farmstead, if you have the land. It was originally written in the 1930’s so it has some wonderful advise from that era.

So check out your library and see if you can get these books. Read them and start laying out your plans for next year. Some plants can be planted in the fall, plus Square Foot Gardening has some tips on extending the season for growing.

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Share a Recipe Sunday – August 9

In my PrepWise Wednesday thread last week, I talked about learning how to make your own cleaners. So here are some of the “recipes” I have collected from various places. Most of them are pennies to make so budget friendly in addition to being environmentally friendly. So try some homemade cleaners and save your home environment and money too!

All Purpose Window and Glass Cleaner
Vinegar cuts grease and leaves windows sparkling clean. Best of all, this mixture is absolutely safe. It’s the best choice if you have young children in the house.
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 quart of water
Pour vinegar and water into a bowl or container, or mix the ingredients in a spray bottle. Clean windows directly with a sponge dipped in the bowl of cleaner or spray on and wipe clean. I have heard that you can use newspaper to clean windows quite well.

Homemade Windex
4-5 oz vinegar
4-5 oz wintergreen alcohol
Fill up the rest of the bottle with water.

Homemade Cleaner
In a clean, empty gallon milk jug put:

2 Tablespoons ammonia
1 teaspoon dish detergent
1 pint (2 cups) rubbing alcohol
4 drops food coloring – optional
a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a nice fresh scent,
I used Orange

Fill the rest of the gallon jug with hot water. Pour into spray container to use.
Natural Cleaner Recipe
Fill your spray bottle almost full with HOT water, then add:
· 1 teaspoon borax
· 1 teaspoon washing soda
· 1 tablespoon liquid Castile soap (Dr. Bronners)
· 1/2 cup vinegar (kills mold/mildew)
Shake well before using.

Note: If you put the other ingredients in before the water it will foam up a lot when you add the water.
Washing Soda – (sodium carbonate) Cuts grease and disinfects. It will also increase the cleaning power of soap.
Borax – (sodium borate) It deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap. It also prevents mold and odors. Great alternative for those who do not want to use bleach.

Homemade 409
Use your old 409 or Fantastik Bottle.
Put in 2 Tbls of ammonia (I use lemon-scent)
Put in 2 Tbls of castile (Dr. Bronners – I use mint)
Fill slowly with warm water about halfway. Shake. Set for a while to let foam dissipate, then fill the rest of the way with water.

Faith’s 409
1 empty gal. size milk jug
2 c. white vinegar
3/4 cup ammonia (lemon scent smells best)
4 squirts of dishliquid (dawn is awesome but any kind will work)
Pour vinegar, ammonia, and squirt dish soap into jug…fill rest of way with water and gently swish it around to mix it…pour into a spray bottle and use the same as 409.

Heavy-Duty Disinfectant Cleaner
1/4 c. powdered laundry detergent
1 Tbsp. borax
3/4 c. hot water
1/4 c. pine oil or pine-based cleaner
Slowly stir the detergent and borax into the water to dissolve.
Add the pine oil and mix well. For bathroom cleaning, use the mixture full strength. In the kitchen, dilute with water.

Fels Naptha Laundry Soap
1/3 bar Fels Naptha, grated
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax powder
Put the grated Fels Naptha in a large pan with 3 pints of water – heat – stir to dissolve. When dissolved stir in the 1/2 cup of washing soda – then the 1/2 cup of Borax [remember 20 mule team borax – upper shelf on laundry isle in grocery stores] This will all thicken and look like honey – remove from heat. In a two gallon bucket put 1 quart of hot water. Next add your honey looking soap. stir! Then fill the bucket with cold water. Stir till well blended. Pour into old laundry soap containers. It will gel up in about 24 hours, so don’t wait too long to pour into your containers or you will have to scoop it out of the bucket : ) Use 1/2 cup for each load.
Note: For those with sensitive skin, a mild soap like Ivory brand can be substituted for the Fels Naptha without losing much of the cleaning ability—-really dirty laundry would benefit from a little extra Borax and Washing soda added to that load.

Fabric Softener
6 cups of water
3 cups of vinegar
2 cups of any hair conditioner (cheapie dollar store stuff will do)
mix in a gallon container – do not shake as it will foam. – pour small amount in the fabric softener dispenser say 1/2 cup per load.

Homemade Automatic Dishwasher Soap
Mix together in a small plastic tub with a snap on lid:
1/2 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax.
Use about 2 tablespoons in the dishwasher compartment.
If your silverware seems a bit dull, add Citric Acid (from either canning products or tang). Try adding 1 to 2 tsp. to the above mixture to start with.

Carpet Freshener Blend
1/2 cup baking soda
50 drops lime oil
30 drops tangerine oil
20 drops patchouli oil
Mix and set aside for 24 hours.
Sprinkle on carpeting and let sit at least 15 minutes, then vacuum.

Homemade Febreeze
1 Cup Fabric Softener
1 Cup Vodka (or rubbing alcohol)
1 Cup Baking Soda
2 Cups Water
Combine in a spray bottle. Test on a hidden spot before using.

Brass & Copper Cleaner
Mix salt and either lemon juice or hot vinegar.

Carpet Cleaner
Sprinkle cornstarch on dry carpet and vacuum after five

Carpet Shampoo
Mix 1/2 cup of pure liquid dishwashing soap and two cups of
boiling water; let it cool and then whip to jelly. Rub carpet
gently with mix and dampened sponge. Then rinse with cloth and
one quart of water with one cup of white vinegar. Wipe carpet
dry with a clean cloth.

Chrome Cleaner
Use hot water with either rubbing alcohol or ammonia.

Drain Cleaner
Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar into the
drain. Cover the drain until fizzing stops and then flush with
boiling water.

Furniture Polish
Use olive oil on unvarnished wood. On varnished wood, spray
lightly with two tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of
white vinegar and one quart of water and let it dry.

Homemade Cleaning Wipes
1/2 roll of white Bounty or Brawny towels
1/2 cup Pine cleaner
2 cups water
Mix the ingredients and pour over the stack of folded towels. They will “squish” down after they are saturated. Keep in a tightly sealed container.

Stainless Steel Sink Remedies
Olive Oil: Rub stainless steel sinks with olive oil to remove streaks.
Vinegar: To clean and polish sink, simply moisten a cloth with undiluted white or cider vinegar and wipe clean. Can also be used to remove heat stains on stainless steel cutlery.
Club Soda: Remove streaks or heat stains from sink by rubbing with club soda.

Septic Tank Treatment
This is an effective cleaner for your septic tank, and it will not harm the system.
2 C. brown sugar
5 C. warm water
1 T. baker’s yeast
Stir sugar and yeast into the warm water until dissolved. Pour the solution into the toilet and flush. Wait 30 minutes before flushing again to allow the yeast time to work.

Oven Cleaner
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put a non-aluminum pan with
1/4 cup of ammonia and water in the oven, with door closed,
overnight. Scrub clean with baking soda in the morning.

Pest Sprays for Foliage
Garlic Water: Mix two tablespoons of garlic juice, one ounce
of diatomaceous earth, one teaspoon of rubbing alcohol and
four quarts of water. This can be frozen.

Pepper Water: Blend three very hot peppers, 1/2 onion and
garlic clove in water. Boil the mixture, steep for two days,
and strain. This is good for indoor plants too, and it can be

Soap: Use two tablespoons of pure liquid soap or 50 grams of
pure dry soap per quart of water.

Tobacco Water: Let a large handful of tobacco stand in four
quarts of warm water for 24 hours; dilute and spray (poisonous
to humans).

Silver Cleaner
Immerse silver in a mixture of one quart of water, one
tablespoon of salt, and one tablespoon of baking soda; bring
to a boil. Remove, rinse and polish.

Cleaning a shower curtain
With warm water, fill up your washing machine. Add in two large towels.
Add one half-cup each of laundry detergent and baking soda.
Run this mess through your entire wash cycle, but add 1 c. vinegar to the rinse cycle. Don’t spin dry; don’t rinse out that vinegar, either.
Hang up the curtains right away. I think the vinegar helps slow down the formation of more mold, and the curtains always look like new.

Homemade Oxygen Cleaner
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
It removes even old blood stains!
Just soak the clothing in it for 20 minutes to overnight and then wash as usual.
This will not harm fabric like bleach.

How to clean your washing machine
1 quart chlorine bleach
1 quart white vinegar
Fill your washer with hot water.
Add 1 qt of chlorine bleach (no detergent please!).
Run the washer through the longest wash cycle.
When the washer is still wet- this should be immediately after the bleach cycle- add 1 qt of white vinegar and run the washer through the same cycle again refilling the tub with hot water. This will clean out soap scum and mineral deposits from the spin basket and also from the hoses.

Wall and Woodwork cleaner
1 cup ammonia
1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 cup vinegar
1 gallon water
Mix well and put in spray bottle.

Homemade carpet cleaner
1/2 cup liquid Tide
1/4 cup Clorox II
1/4 cup white vinegar
Add this to 1 gallon of hot water in machine.
If you need to pre-treat some areas you can mix this in a spray bottle and spray the area before you start.

Homemade Shout
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tablespoons ammonia
3 cups water
Stir together and fill a spray bottle. Spray on heavily soiled spots just before washing. Test for colorfastness.

Tightwad Gazette Stain Removal
Add 1 cup each of powdered Cascade and Clorox II to 5 gallons of the hottest water from your faucet. Soak several articles overnight and launder as usual. She states this will remove 90% of stains that do not come out with normal laundering. Do not use on delicate fabrics, or those not colorfast. Particularly good for removing food stains.

Let me know what you try this week and how it works for you!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

I’m a Prepper, She’s a Prepper, Wouldn’t You Like to be a Prepper Too??

What is Prepping?

I am sure you are hearing a lot about it right now. Prepping can involve as little or as much as your want. Basically prepping involves laying in “stores” to get you through “things.” What type of things you ask? Well it can be what ever you decide. Some prep for The End of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) or for when the Sh** Hits the Fan (SHTF). Depending on where you live you can prep for weather or natural events like hurricanes, tornados, wild fires, or earthquakes.

How do I Start Prepping?

You make the conscience decision to take the steps necessary to have your family be prepared. Next you decide how much time you ultimately want to have supplies for: one week, one month, three months, six months, one year, five years. It is your family and home so you make the decisions. Having a pantry is a form of prepping. Deciding to take the pantry from a one month supply of food to a three month supply of food is prepping. Small steps over time is the best way.

You also will need to think about alternative forms of cooking and storage of food. When Hurricane Isabelle went through our area 7 years ago we had neighborhoods without power for a weeks. That means no freezer and no electric stoves. So you need to think about that also.

I made those decisions, what is next?

Think about food, clothing, water, medical supplies, unique needs like allergies, will you have guns and ammunition in the house? Next you will need make a plan to reach your goal. Then you will need to make your budget. A budget is a must. You can buy a large amounts of storage food for large amounts of money, but why do that? Take your time and build the pantry your family will use.

Starting your plan

The most important thing to have is food and water so I would start there. The most important thing is to store what you eat and eat what you store! Make a list of all the meals your family eats. Write out the ingredients. Take inventory of what you have to make those meals. Now if you wanted to be able to have enough food in your house for a month, how much would you have to purchase to reach that goal. Plan to shop grocery sales for the next three months. Only purchase and plan meals that are on deep sales so you have the money to build the pantry over the course of a few months.

I would also suggest reading some books on how to become self sufficient. I am currently reading The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan. It tell how to produce all the food you need on a quarter acre of land. Very interesting reading. There are other books out there. Square Foot Gardening, Encyclopedia of Country Living, and The Self Sufficient Life. That should give you some place to start your research.

Join an online group of like minded people. They will help you and encourage you along the way. One new group I belong to and can recommend is PrepWise. This board is relatively new, but there is some great knowledge there. Some sites are very hard core, conspiracy theories, but they have some great prepping info so take what you can and leave the rest.

Also start a notebook. If you find information online, PRINT IT OUT! If the power goes out and you don’t have the paper then you do not have the information.

My notebook currently has these sections:

First Aid Information (how to)
Medical Information for each family member
Bank account information
Emergency contact information for out of area family
A pouch with some cash in lower denominations (if the power is down, no banks, no ATMs)

Prepping has been near and dear to my heart, I want to have others start thinking about how having supplies and knowledge in the house can be a blessing to the family. I invite you join my world and have hedge against the world.