Going to start blessing my family again

I was reading another blog http://lifeandponderings.blogspot.com/. (Thanks Michelle!) It started me thinking. I used to be so much better following the home journal. My Journal laid out my weekly plans, had my menus in it and also my important phone numbers. My house and budget seemed to run so much better when I was following my plan.

A lot happened in our lives during the past 2 years. The premature birth and death of a son, hospitalization of our oldest daughter, the pregnancy and birth of three more baby girls, and subsequent hospitalization of our daughter. Following the schedule and menu didn’t seem important while going through these family events. Now that life has settled down (as much as it can settle down with 9 children) I want to get the home journal functional once again and be able to bless my family.

So starting tomorrow I am going to get the journal off the bookshelf. I am going to go through and revise it to fit our current life. After all, these journals should be a living document so that it can grow and change with our lives.

After that I am going to print off my master shopping lists and revise these. Then I am going to sit down and plan menus for the next two weeks from what I have in my pantry and freezer.