Menu Planning Monday

Looking at the calendar, I see the Zoo has a busy week.  Lots of doctor’s appointments and a couple of activities to attend.  On top of all the busy-ness, I have a nasty cold which I feel heading to the chest.  Gotta just love this winter, first warm, then cold, all within a two hours.  No wonder why people are sick around here.  The menu is going to be very simple this week  Nothing fancy and quite a few convience foods since I won’t have the time to make a lot from scratch.

Chicken Patties
Macaroni and Cheese
Peaches or Apples

Crockpot Pork Roast
Baked Potatoes

Spaghetti with Sausage
Garlic Bread or Rolls

Fend for yourself

Fish Sticks
Tater Tots

Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans

Taco Bar
Tortilla Chips

What is on your menu when you have a busy week?

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

A change of mind

I started seeing a chiropractor for some long standing chronic pain I have been having in my lower back and my right shoulder.  Boy is my spine a mess!  The chiropractor I see is affiliated with a medical doctor and is part of a Physical Medicine office, not just traditional chiropractic care.  My first few times at the office, I was put through a gauntlet of tests. 

I had the normal series of x-rays and found out I have a birth defect: sacralization of the fifth lumbar vertebra.  This is where the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae are fused together and then fused to the hip bone, usually on both sides.  In my case, the fusing is on the left side only.  This explains a lot of the pain in the lower back that I have been experiencing.  This proves that Richard and the children are not the cause of the pain.  🙂  I injured my right shoulder about 10 years ago and since that time I have been having pain and mobility issues off and on.  I always thought the pain was from the injury, but it is appears to be radiating from the misalignment of several of the neck vertebra.  I also had peripheral artery testing, since pain can stem from issues with the vascular system.  Thankfully nothing was wrong there.

Since my neck has been misaligned for such a long time, the shoulder muscles are extremely tight and causing strain on all parts of the shoulder.  Part of my treatment includes trigger point injections of toradol.  These are small injections of the medicine into the muscles, twice a week for 3 weeks.  I have to say the muscles around the neck are feeling much looser and the shoulder pain is greatly diminished.

The practice also uses electrical stimulation and sonograms to help ease pain. I spend 12 minutes on a traction table to help stretch and loosen the spine and then have moist heat and an electrical stimulation devices put on the back and knee. After that I head to the table where the actual adjustment takes just a few minutes

I have to say my overall pain has decreased, I do not need to take a lot of OTC pain medications for pain anymore, the mobility of my shoulder is great increased, my lower back pain is manageable now, and the year long pain in my knee from a fall is gone.  So while I use to believe in that chiropractic care really was unfounded and not a “real” medicine, my opinion so far has changed.

Of course this has come at the cost of a three times a week visits, which has crunched time for other things, but if I can relieve this chronic pain and increase my quality of life then this short term inconvenience will definitely be worth it.

What has been your experience with chiropractors? I would like to know.

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

A Thursday Funny

Here is funny for you all to enjoy!  It had my homeschool children laughing at the table so much I had to stop homeschooling for an hour.  🙂

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

PrepWise Wednesday — Personal Care Stocking

When you want to start stocking things and start to think about everything, you may get overwhelmed. You start to think: I need to stock up on food, water, soaps, medicines, cleaning supplies, and so many other things. So may start to think why bother, I just can’t do it. I am telling you NEED to have a basic stock of at least a month, preferably three to six, maybe even a year. In the case of a natural disaster supply lines of food, water, and energy can be disrupted or even stopped for weeks or months while the infrastructure is repaired.

The most important rule when stocking is to stock what you use and use what you stock. If you know you can’t stand beans, then don’t stock them because you won’t use them. They will go bad and you waste money. Then you will think having these emergency preparations is a waste of time and money.

A second rule is not buying everything at once. If you spread the purchases out over a few months, they will not expire at the same time.

An easy place to start is with personal care items like soaps, shampoos, and lotions. Make a list of what you use. Then determine how much you use in a month. Next you decide how many months supply you want to have on your shelf. Stocking can be done very cheaply or even for free if you coupon, use sales and store bonus cards. If you are not brand loyal or have special requirements, then it is very easy to do cheaply.

In most things I am not brand loyal, however, I have a family that has extremely sensitive skin. The children are all very prone to eczema. Any type of scent or harsh chemical causes flare ups that can take weeks to get back under control. To help with this, we can only use Dove Sensitive Skin Soap. Knowing this I am always looking for Dove coupons and sales. I purchase at the lowest price I can to keep my supply up to my goal amount of 36 bars on the shelf. (Eleven people using about 3 bars of soap a month for a 12 month supply).

For things like shampoos, figure out how many ounces of shampoo you use a month. In my family, Richard uses dandruff shampoo. His bottle lasts about 2 months. So we need to have 6 bottles on the shelf for a year. The bigger girls use a bottle a month between them. So we need 12 bottles for the year. We use much less conditioner with the girls so we only need 6 bottles for the year. The boys use a larger bottle every two months, so again we need 6 bottles. The little girls use a tear free conditioning shampoo, which only comes is smaller bottles. So we need to have about 20 of them for a year. (Once they turn 10 they will switch to the older girls shampoo so the numbers will change).

Then I make plan to spread out the purchases over the year so everything will have different experiration dates.  You need to remember to “rotate” the stock so the older products are used first.

I use the same principles to figure out how much I need for the other personal care items we use. My personal care items include:

Lotions for dry skin
Lip balms like Chapstick or Carmex
Facial Cleansing Products
Shaving Cream
Anti Chafing Ointments/Creams
Baby Powder
Sunburn treatments
Feminine Products
Diapers (when they were needed)

Take this week and put together your personal care list. Then use my examples and figure out how many you need to have on hand to survive for three months.

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Novena to Saint John Bosco

Sunday begins the Novena in Honor of Saint John Bosco.

A novena is a nine-day period of private or public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special favors, or to make special petitions. (Novena is derived from the Latin “novem”, meaning nine.) As the definition suggests, the novena has always had more of a sense of urgency and neediness.

When we pray a novena to a saint, we usually begin  nine days before their feast day, and end the novena on the day of the feast.

Fr. Don Bosco was a dedicated priest who took on blood-thirsty revolutionaries, the Italian government and his own archbishop in his quest to rescue the homeless children of Turin. This heroic priest’s undying belief in the boys he sought to help inspired them to fulfill their potential in the Catholic Faith. Don Bosco’s lifelong effort to save the children of the street became the foundation of the Salesians, one of the largest child care networks in the world.

These are the Novena Prayers I will be praying:

Oh holy patron of the youth, I come to you with sincere confidence in your closeness to Jesus. Saint John Bosco, I need your help, I need your prayers, I need your intercession to God for His grace to help me with…

(state your intentions here)

With your love of Mary, our Mother, pray for me!
With your love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, pray for me!
With your love for all those who suffer, pray for me!

Don Bosco, please pray fervently for the grace that I now ask from God our Father. In addition, please pray that I may have a sincere acceptance of the Will of God and a perfect trust in Him.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…

Please join me in this Novena.  If you are interested in finding more novena, please join  Pray More Novenas.  When you sign up with the site, you will receive notifications of upcoming novenas.
Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Menu Planning Monday

Another week begins, after a productive weekend.  This week seems like it won’t involve as much running around as last week did.  At least I hope so!  Those run around weeks always leave me tired out.

Breakfasts:  Cereal, waffles and a fruit
Lunches:  Sandwiches, leftovers and fruit
Snacks:  Graham crackers & peanut butter, carrots & ranch, hummus & crackers, grapes

Meatless Monday
Cheese Lasagna
Garlic Bread

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Goldfish Crackers
Apple Sauce

Pork Roast
Baked Potato

Fend for Yourself, It’s Boy Scout Night

Fishy Friday
Fish Sticks for the children
Baked Salmon
Macaroni and Cheese

Mom and Dad Dinner Out — Denims and Diamonds Dance with the KOC
Children — Fend for yourself

Pork Roast
Roasted Asparagus
Dinner Rolls

Have a wonderful, flavorful week!

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Still At It Sunday

We did get most of the “room dump” completed in the girls’ room.  We even did some rearranging of the furniture.  We are getting the room planned for when the five year olds will have to graduate to twin beds.  I think plan should work.

All that is left is to complete in the room is the top shelf of the closet.  It should not take long to complete.  Once their room is completed after lunch, I am going to do a “closet dump” of the upstairs linen closet.

That particular closet has become disorganized over the past six months because of MY inattention when the children are putting away towels and the health and beauty items (the shampoos, soaps, and toothpastes).  Time to pull everything out and reorganize it.  I am going to pull out some of the older towels we use for rags and cleanups to free up space on the shelves. Then I am going to group the mouth care, soaps and shampoos, cold products, nebulizers and asthma meds, not to mention our box of ace bandages and assorted braces (from my oh so clumsy family, me included) together.  Then it will all be put away in a logical fashion.

Once that closet is completed, I will be definitely working with those that put items away to make sure it stays that way this time.

Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday with your family.

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Sprucin’ Up Saturday

Today is cleaning day around the Zoo. We take Saturday morning to scrub the bathrooms, vacuum the downstairs and scrub the kitchen floor. In addition we vacuum and dust the bedrooms. Over all it leads to a busy morning around the Zoo.

Last weekend I had to pick a room in which to do a deep clean since the children seem to have a need to keep their rooms a total disaster. We did a “room dump” of the boys’ room. This week we stayed on top of the boys and their room remained presentable and only took a few minutes to clean this morning.  I think the are getting the idea that a little cleaning each day, leads to less cleaning on Saturday.  At least I hope so!

This weekend’s room on the “dumping block” is the girls’ room. Thanks to a very messy teen and three extremely messy five year olds, it has become a disaster area. The eleven year olds contribute to the disaster by throwing blankets and pillows about the room. If you were to look into it, you would think a tornado blew through the room and would want to call the Red Cross for help.

Thankfully the normal Saturday cleaning up is now complete. Once lunch is over, the room dump begins. I promise to check in tomorrow.  If I don’t, please send out the search crews!

Have a wonderful day sprucin’ up your home today!

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Thankful Thursday

Today I am going post some things that I am thankful for in my life. I realized recently that I haven’t been vocal enough lately about our blessings. I do not count Our Lord and God in these, because it only through him and from him, I have these earthly blessings.

First and foremost my husband, Richard. He has been a rock the past few years with the turmoil that has been going on in the family and extended family. He has allowed me to stay with Liz at the hospital, run back and forth to Virginia to help out Mom when dad was ill and then after his passing. Most recently he has been so wonderful in allowing me to travel to Virginia to spend time with Mom and run her around to appointments that need to be kept.

Second, is the blessing of homeschooling. Homeschooling has allowed us to separate from the strict schedule of the school system and allowed us freedom teach as we see fit and also allows us to have the flexibility to deal with life’s emergencies.

Third, my children. Through them I am learning so much, even while I am teaching them. I see them growing and getting to know each other and their new life as homeschooled children.

Finally, my friends, both in real life and online. Each community to which I belong to adds a blessing to my life. This happens either through fellowship with like minded moms of many, or growing in my faith because of discussions and pointed questions, or even learning how to get out of debt and stay that way! I thank God for each and every one of you.

What are you thankful for today?

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Menu Planning Monday

A bit of crazy week around here, plus we are trying figure out Liz’s new diet so the planned meals just seem awkward to me.

Pork chops
Seasoned Noodles

Spaghetti with meat sauce
Garlic Bread

Chicken Breasts
Baked Potatoes
Green Beans (Liz is not supposed to eat these)

Fend For Yourself, Clean out the Fridge Day

Baked Halibut
Sweet Potatoes

Taco Bar

Roasted Chicken
Seasoned Rice
Zucchini or Asparagus

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome