The Ending of the Catholic Christmas Season — Epiphany

Today Catholics celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany. This is the day the Wise Men from other nations came to worship and adore the Christ Child.  Now we know this happened much later than it is celebrated, but this is the day the Church chose to celebrate and end the Christmas season.

Father Jack’s homily about the importance of Epiphany really spoke to me.  The Feast of the Epiphany is the celebration of Christ coming for ALL men, the Jews and the Gentiles alike.  Having these wise men from other faiths and cultures coming to Christ symbolizes us coming to Christ and God’s love for everyone. As Christ told us, the greatest commandment is “To love one another as I have loved you”, so we are called to love everyone as these wise men loved Christ and as He loves us. 

He told us that we called to love the spouse that annoys us, the children that irritate us, the drive that cut us off, and even the Steelers fans (we live in Baltimore Raven country). We may not have to like them at that time, but we are always called to love them.

Have a wonderful Epiphany and remember to enjoy and love your family!

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome