Share a Recipe Sunday — May 31

This another quick and simple recipe (can you tell I love quick and simple!). It goes to together fast, cooks fast and tastes like you spent hours slaving in the kitchen.

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Garlic powder (I use granulated garlic)
Brown Sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9×13 inch pan. Place chicken into pan. Generously sprinkle with garlic. Then top with brown sugar, as much or as little as you like.

Bake for 30 – 45 minutes, until done.

I serve with an herbed rice and broccoli.

Crazy Week Before Graduation

The week leading up to Liz’s graduation has been busy. We have been finishing up the cleaning. Liz has finished school. At yesterday’s rehersal she recieved cords for being a Maryland State Scholar. This mean she has a good GPA in a set of courses that are considered rigorous and Science and Math Academy definatley meets those requirements.

Friday she has the Senior Awards Assembly and dress rehersal for graduation. Then we are all set for the actual graduation on Monday afternoon!

Next week the focus will turn to Douglas who will be stepping up to the middle school next year. The school doesn’t have a “graduation” ceremony, but they have a promotion ceremony so you will get to hear about that soon!

Blogs for you to look at

Since I am having so much fun blogging, my oldest two have decided to start their own blogs too.

Liz’s is here. I think her blog title is catchy, From the Cage. Kinda sticking with the zoo theme. When I found out she is calling herself The Reptile, I had to laugh! That is a family nickname (Liz to Lizard to Reptile) and she HATED it. Kinda cute now. Oh and if you check out her blog, you can see her countdown to graduation.

Mandy’s is here. Hers is The Red Eyed Tree Frog. That frog is one of her favorites so it will make a great blog and it also sticks with the zoo theme.

Of course now my 10 year old wants to start one too. Yeah, no! Maybe in about 4 years you can see his.

Menu Planning Monday – May 25

Everyone home and nothing going on!

Grilled Teriyaki London Broil
Corn on the Cob
Roasted Potatoes
German Chocolate Cake

Liz has finals and graduation practice
Douglas doctor appointment

Pork Roast in the Crockpot
Seasoned Noodles

Liz has finals and graduation practice

Chicken Breasts on Rice
Glazed Carrots
Brussel Sprouts

Liz home

Chinese pork and rice

Liz Senior Awards & graduation practice

Homemade Pizza
Garlic Bread


Tortilla Chips


Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans

Have a tasty week!

Share a Recipe Sunday — May 24

It is Memorial Day Weekend! This past year my family has discovered something wonderful that we love to fix. I hope you enjoy it sometime this summer.

Teriyaki Garlic London Broil

2 pound London Broil
1/2 cup Teriyaki Sauce
3 Garlic Cloves, peeled and mined finely
Depending on how much you love Garlic, feel free to up this. I use the jarred version and add about 4 tablespoons.

Into a sturdy Ziploc Bag pour the Teriyaki Sauce and garlic. Zip up and shake well to mix. Add the London Broil to the bag and close. Coat the meat with the mixture and put into your refrigerator. Every couple of hours turn it over to marinate the meat. I marinate mine overnight. You can marinate it for as little as 2 hours.

We cook ours on the grill. Preheat to high, then turn town to medium once the meat goes on. Cook until done for your family, ours takes about 10 minutes on each side. When done remove to plate and let sit for about 10 minutes. Slice thinly and serve.

You can also broil in the oven, cooking and rest the same way as grilling. (But in the summer who wants to heat up the house?)


And the Summer Begins…..

So this weekend is the official start of summer. Of course the majority of my children have school for another 3 weeks, while some people may be in the summer mindset I still have weeks of homework and paperwork to get through. And of course this is the summer of preparation for my oldest to head off to college, so I figure it will be quite a busy summer all around.

Our pool liner sprung a leak late last year so we are waiting for the new one to arrive. Had to wait for it to fit into the budget. It should be here by the time the children are out of school. So I figure the weekend closest to when it arrives will be very busy around here getting the liner installed and the pool filled ans readied for swimming.

I am in the process of getting my summer schedule into place so everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and when. Works better around here that way. I even schedule reading and some workbook time into the day. I am looking for some summer workbooks for the middle ones to work on. I like to keep their skills up so the first weeks back aren’t a total waste. Liz will have some summer reading to do for one of her classes so even she will be working on school work. I haven’t gotten the summer work for Amanda yet, but I am sure she will have some too.

Patrick will have Cub Scout camp for a week in June. Richard and Mandy will be helping out there. They all have a blast. Douglas and Richard will be helping out with the County’s Farm Fair in July. The Boy Scout troop does trash duty there. All the money earned goes into an account for Boy Scout Camp and other items that the boy scouts need throughout the year

We will be “staycationing” this year. We may try to get a couple of day trips into Washington, DC since we are so close and we haven’t been in ages. But other than that, the backyard will be the place to be.

What are your plans for this summer?

Blog Award!

Sandy over at Organize with Sandy is wonderful! I love her blog and her organizing tips. She helps to keep me on track to get my organizing and decluttering done. We have quite a few things in common. She has a larger family which includes a set of triplets. Having triplets in the family instantly makes your friends, because you get it.

She has given me this award. It was so sweet of her to think of me.

I am going to pass on to five other blogs that I have been reading and following for awhile. They all have something wonderful to offer. Please go take a look!

Now for the Rules:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 (I am bucking the rules a bit. I am only going to pick my 5 blogs) other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Here are those blogs:

1) Karyn over at The Teakettle Corner
2) A Soldier’s Wife from Thoughts from a Soldier’s Wife
3) Calico Prairie/Quasi from Collective Thoughts
4) Dawn over at By Sun and Candlelight
5) Dorinda over at Two Kids Plus Trips!

Work on it Wednesday — May 20

Today is Wednesday. We are supposed to work on those things that we haven’t been doing. Well today is a day off for me. My oldest graduates in a week and a half, the school year is winding down for everyone else and today is a big meeting for the elementary school parents. Of course I won’t be going because they do not provide child care, so I am watching a friend’s little girl for her. She promised to bring back goodies!

Plus the high schools have a weird schedule because of high school assesment tests and senior exams. They student’s all go in 3 and half hours late. I need to drive Liz up to her school. Mandy can take the bus since her school is her “home school.”

Then this evening Mandy’s French Club is going to a French Bistro for dinner. Since we have the large 15 passenger van I was “volunteered” to drive. Oh well, at least I will be given a free meal and get to spend time with the French club. (At least I took French in high school so I can sound somewhat intelligent when I order.)

I hope you all are getting things done! I will back next week hitting those things I need to do.

Menu Planning Monday — May 18

Hamburger Helper

Liz — Senior Project Poster Presentation

Donna & Mandy French Restaurant with French Club
Sausages & Sauce in the Crockpot

Douglas & Richard Boy Scouts
Pork Roast
Baked Potatoes
Green Beans


Chicken on the grill
Roasted Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans

Have a wonderful week!