Saturday Somethings

Today has been a relatively quiet day at the zoo. Richard is working a 24 hour overtime shift. I hate that he is gone, but we love the money. LOL

Douglas had a doctor’s appointment. While he was there I headed over to the pool store for a new pool cover since ours was destroyed last winter when a large tree branch blew on it during one of the nor’esters we get. I lucked out and it was on a great sale.

After his appointment we did a quick trip to Walmart to get a few things. Diapers are a necessity right now. (The potty training adventure will begin shortly. I am SOOOOO looking forward to it — NOT!) Then we headed home. After lunch, I sat down with everyone to go over the past two days of school. I found out that some supplies were needed. I love how the school supply lists are never correct.

While the girls were napping Mandy baked some sugar cookies that are a favorite in our house. After the girls got up we loaded everyone up into the van and headed over to the Super Walmart. We found what we needed and were actually able to get out of there within an hour. I think that is first for use. We had very few “stupid” comments.

Since it was 6PM by this time I decided to treat the kids to a McDonald’s meal. We haven’t done that in months. Since it is such a rare treat, they have been very thankful. Right now they middle four are taking showers and watching the Wizards of Waverly Place movie. Then they will be heading to bed.

I hope you all had a relatively quiet Saturday too!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Saturday Somethings

Today was a busy day around the Zoo. I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and then headed to the grocery store. Someone hadn’t followed my freezer tracking method and we were out of chicken. HORRORS! If I ever find out who was responsible, they will receive 50 lashes with a wet noodle.

Luckily Weis (one of local stores) has all boneless, skinless chicken on sale this week for $1.79 a pound. So I purchased 10 packages of BLSL breasts. Right next to them were chicken thighs with bone and skin. Marked down for quick sale. They were $.79 a pound PLUS a dollar off. I snagged about 10 packaged of them too, each package’s cost was around $2.00. We are now set for chicken for at least three months. I love going to the grocery store early in the morning, that is when you can get those quick sale meats.

We also had a lot of excitement today when I got home. Our parakeet got out of the cage while the cage was being cleaned. One of cats got a hold of it. We had a bleeding parakeet and kids screaming. This one cat has claws and it looks like the wing had 2 punctures. I was able to stop the bleeding with cornstarch. I told the children the bird may not make it because of the blood loss and the stress it was under from the cat and everything I did to it. The bird is in it’s cage and being kept warm and as stress-free as possible and seems to be doing okay right now. We shall see how it goes over the next couple of days.

After that excitement, Richard decided we needed to get the home repairs done that have been lingering. So off to Lowe’s we went. We got a piece of drywall to repair a couple of holes and a new bathroom fan since the one in the master bathroom died a couple of days ago. We came home and now both the holes are repaired. The bathroom fan required a trip to the attic. That was a fun experience for Richard since it was about 120 degrees up there. But the bathroom fan is once again operational.

Later on the crew went outside to play while I fixed dinner, and yes we had chicken. Now the dinner dishes are all cleaned up, the girls are getting their baths, and in a couple of minutes everyone will in be bed and quiet will descend on the house and Richard and I will have some adult time. I am going to lobby for watching one of my favorite movies, An American President. We haven’t seen it in a while, and it is great Saturday evening movie.

How was your Saturday?

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome