Wrapping It Up Saturday

The Christmas shopping is done other than picking up a three more books and four more gift cards. Now comes the task of wrapping the presents. 😦 Wrapping is NOT my favorite thing, but it needs to get done and I have a week to complete it. I have between 50 and 70 presents to wrap. I know that seems excessive, but I have 5 to 6 presents for each person.  I usually stick with this little poem for giving gifts at Christmas:

Something you want,
Something you need,
Something to play with,
and something to read.

This year since my children have really started to enjoy reading and have started to read series, I purchased some additional books.  Each of them have been given more clothing than normal since all of them have gone through a growth spurt and have outgrown large portions of their fall and winter clothing.

I am going to wrap 10 to 15 presents each night after the middle children are asleep.  Breaking it down makes it seem much more manageable in my mind. Not to mention, it means I won’t have to pull an all-nighter on Christmas Eve to wrap. I will start this evening, and if all goes as planned I should have the presents done by Wednesday, which will leave me a couple of days to just relax and enjoy the season.

Have you started your wrapping yet?

Pax Christi!

A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

Black Friday Drop Out

Today is the official Black Friday. Although the stores have been running huge sales already. So much for an economic recovery.

I have to admit, I have only done Black Friday shopping once. I refuse to do it again. I know there are great deals that can be found, but I just don’t like crowds, chaos and rude people. And I found all of those on my first and last time shopping on Black Friday three years ago.

So while all of you are out shopping, I will be cruising Amazon.com and doing my shopping. I found I did just as well, if not better doing most of my shopping on-line last year. Amazon was my favorite place.

Enjoy your shopping and stay safe. It is a jungle out there.

Pax Christi,
A married woman must often leave God at the altar in order to find Him in her housework ~~St. Francis of Rome

We are Finished Shopping for the Children. YEAH!

Yeah! We gave completed a major milestone. The Christmas shopping for the children is completed. Doing the happy dance! All done. All nine done. WAHOO!!!! And we did it under budget too. I have to also add I am done with Richard’s shopping. I guess I should give him a list for me so he can get the same feeling. LOL

Now that we are finished with the shopping I get to do my least favorite thing — wrap. I cheat and don’t use bows. The cats always take them off anyway so why bother.

Back when we lived in Glen Burnie one of my dearest friends and I used to hold a present wrapping night. We would turn on Christmas carols, make hot chocolate, get the scissors and tape and the spend the evening wrapping all of our presents. Depending on the number of presents, we would take about 3 to 4 hours and get them all done. Now that we have moved away from that area, we don’t do that anymore. I find that I am missing it. I will have to call her and see if she would like to do a wrapping afternoon instead. 🙂

Now all I have to shop for are my in-laws, and a niece and two nephews and we are done with the shopping. Since the niece and nephews live out of town, I may just get gift cards for the younger two and a pre-paid Visa for the 13 year old.

For the children’s teachers I make a cinnamon streusal bread. I will make those the week before the children go out on their break. My daughters have bought the presents for their friends too, so once they are wrapped they are also done.

The only other thing to do is bake the Christmas cookies. We will do that starting next weekend.